Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jobless but Thankful

Unemployment came as a huge surprise six months ago. But that’s nothing compared to my surprise at the blessings that have accompanied this unwanted life stage. As we pause to give thanks today, here’s what this unemployed woman is thanking God for:

-the chance to go to China a few weeks after losing my job, preventing me from sitting and moping and forcing me to focus on others and our fascinating world.

-my Anonymous Caffeinator, who keeps sending me Starbucks gift cards in the mail.

-the time to volunteer with an English as a Second Language class twice a week, where the students (refugees and immigrants from around the world) fill me with joy and remind me that I’m a have, not a have-not.

-the friends who mailed me a check for $250 one overcast Monday, a humbling and blessing act of generosity.

-the free tickets to musical Young Frankenstein I won at Movies in the Park this past summer, providing me a lovely night of culture and laughter and friendship.

-friends who have mailed me encouraging notes, which have usually arrived just when I’ve started to get anxious or antsy.

-the blessing of finally getting enough sleep.

-time to chat with my Skype buddy in China twice a week, helping her practice English and allowing me to travel around the globe in my jammies.

-freelance assignments that keep coming to me, giving me a chance to be productive and creative and earn a little pocket money.

-unemployment benefits and cheaper COBRA payments thanks to a bill passed earlier this year.

-my sweet parents, who listen, give, pray, and love unconditionally.

-time to spend with my mom-friends and unemployment buddies.

-the blessing of losing my job in late May, so I could enjoy summer and have abundant sunshine in my first days and weeks of unemployment.

-my unemployment buddy Todd, who used some of his extra time and overflowing talents to create my website,

-my childhood friend Amy, who sent me a care package with gift cards to Target, Borders, and Kohl’s—bringing back a pastime I’ve missed in the past six months: shopping!

-lessons in being a gracious and grateful receiver.

-Psalm 90, which was on my church’s reading plan one day when I was melting down, and provided encouragement, perspective, and direction for my prayers.

-all the friends who have generously bought me meals or drinks and have blessed me even more with their presence.

-my God, who specializes in bringing beauty out of ashes, and who’s obviously been walking with me in this unexpected season.


  1. Way to go Camerin. It's choice to count our blessings. My husband is on month 15 of joblessness and this Thanksgiving our worship service reminded me of so much we can add to our blessings list.

  2. Thanks, Louise. I'll be praying for your husband -- and you. 15 months is a long time. But glad you're experiencing blessings in the process.
